JUEVES J6 : 15:00 a 15:20
TITULO: Estabilizacion en tiempo-real de una aeronave de despegue vertical de 4 rotores
AUTORES: V. Rejon CINVESTAV-Mex., E. Aranda-Bricaire CINVESTAV-Mex., |
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RESUMEN: Se presenta una estrategia de bajo costo para la estabilización de una aeronave de cuatro rotores de despegue vertical a control remoto. Se utiliza una combinación de un observador local exponencial y un sistema de localización absoluta basada en ondas de ultrasonido, para estimar los ángulos de rotación y todas las velocidades de la aeronave. Se demuestra que la estrategia de estabilización satisface el principio de separación. En el sentido de que la estabilidad del sistema en lazo cerrado se preserva cuando la ley de control utiliza los estados observados. Se valida la estrategia con experimentos en tiempo-real. |
JUEVES J6 : 15:20 a 15:40
TITULO: Bounded positive non-lineal integral control for double-pipe heat exchangers
AUTORES: A. Zavala-Rios IPIC y T, C. M. Astorga-Zaragoza CENIDET, O. Hernandez-Gonzalez CENIDET |
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RESUMEN: In this work, we propose an outlet temperature non-linear integral control scheme for double-pipe heat exchangers. The proposed controller takes into account and actually exploits the analytical-stability features inherent to the open-loop dynamics. As a result, outlet temperature regulation is achieved through a simple controller which does not need to feedback the whole state vector and does not depend on the exact value of the system parameters. Furthermore, positivity and boundedness (saturation avoidance) of the input flow rate are additionally guaranteed through the proposed approach, without entailing complex control algorithms or stability proofs. The analytical developments are corroborated through experimental results. |
JUEVES J6 : 15:40 a 16:00
TITULO: Human Tracking via Non Lineal Attitude Observer and Non Weak Acceleration Case
AUTORES: B. B. Salmeron Quiroz SEPI-UPA ESIME UPA IPN, J. F. Guerrero-Castellanos GIPSA-ENSIEG, S. Lesecq GIPSA-ENSIEG |
N. Marchand GIPSA-ENSIEG, , |
RESUMEN: This paper presents ours first research results about the human motion capture, which can be considered in the general framework of human-robot interaction (HRI). In this first research phase, the human arm motion capture is carried out. The motivation arise of the requirement in physical rehabilitation and training of stroke patients in the same way as monitoring of elderly person activities. The proposed technique uses a data fusion of low-cost and lowweight MEMS sensors jointly to an a priori knowledge of the anatomy of the arm. The sensor module contains three rate gyros, three accelerometers and three magnetometers assembled in tri-axis. The goal is to estimate together the arm position, the anatomical movements of the shoulder and accelerations of the arm with respect to the shoulder. The estimation algorithm makes use of a nonlinear observer and an optimization routine to fuse information from the sensor. The global asymptotic convergence of the nonlinear observer is guaranteed. Extensive tests of the presented methodology with real world data show the effectiveness of the proposed procedure. |
JUEVES J6 : 16:00 a 16:20
TITULO: Evaluacion Experimental de un Observador de Velocidad de Convergencia Semiglobal y de Bajo Orden para Motores de Induccion
AUTORES: M. A. Gallegos CIEP-FI-UASLP, R. Alvarez CIEP-FI-UASLP, J. A. Moreno II-UNAM |
G. Espinoza-Perez DEPFI-UNAM, , |
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presenta la validación experimental de un observador de bajo orden y convergencia semiglobal que estima simultáneamente los flujos y velocidad del rotor en presencia de par de carga constante y desconocido. La evaluación se presenta mediante pruebas en el rango completo de operación del motor obteniendo resultados extraordinarios aún para voltajes de estator de muy baja frecuencia. |